Our comprehensive network of faircollect collection containers.

Our comprehensive network of faircollect collection containers.

Benefit for cities & property owners

We pay a regular rent for everyone that provides us with approx. 1 m² plot for our collection containers and we also pay attractive commissions for the procurement of suitable locations.

Our collection containers are mainly placed at municipalities, waste management companies, charity associations, businesses such as supermarkets, associations or private owners, and we pay for each container that is set up.

Our extensive network of faircollect collection containers allows all citizens to have short disposal routes for used shoes and textiles.

The specifically developed collection containers with appealing design are easy to use and require little effort. The lower-lying slot and a gas pressure-assisted insertion flap also enables smaller or handicapped people to properly dispose of valuable textile materials.

You too can support us to make the faircollect collection system even more comprehensive and efficient for all fellow citizens.


What we can offer you as a faircollect partner:

  • Location rent or commission
    You will receive a fixed container location rent. If you do not have your own site or property, we will reward the procurement of container locations with a commission.
  • Clean container locations
    We guarantee regular and punctual emptying.
  • Visually appealing collection containers
    Our containers impress with their ease of use and attractive design on minimal space.
  • Advertising space
    through pre-assembled advertising boards on our collection bins.
  • Social marketing
    Faircollect enjoys wide public acceptance. Faircollect ensures regular income for many aid organizations, missions and social services. By setting up the faircollect collection containers, you too can benefit from this positive image.
  • Purchase of already collected used clothes and shoes