With faircollect everyone benefits

With faircollect everyone benefits

faircollect creates benefits for…

… the environment

In Germany, the annual per capita consumption of textiles is 24 kg. Converted to 82 million inhabitants, these are 2 billion kg per year. Today the share of old clothing is almost 50%. The reason for these large quantities is the poor quality and thus the shorter lifespan of the textiles, changing fashion trends and increased consumption.
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… people in need

For more than 50 years, charity associations and organizations have been collecting used shoes and clothes with GLAESER-textil on a regular basis. With these collections their officials are also fulfilling a social mission, with part of the profits flowing into aid projects and social activities.
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… you!

With the transparent faircollect collection system, we offer you four ways in which, in addition to the environment and people in need, you can also benefit from the collections and improve your income.
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… cities & property owners

Our comprehensive network of faircollect collection bins enables all citizens to have short disposal routes for used shoes and textiles.
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… school classes & clubs

We support many school classes and clubs by buying used clothes and shoes that they have received through street collections, setting up a collection container or other donations or collections.
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